Multi-source Validation
Triangulation and other methods for data accuracy validation.

Extracting knowledge and insight
Triangulation and other methods for data accuracy validation.
Provider agnostic approach beyond proprietary identifiers such as Reuters or Bloomberg tickers. Matching datasets to identifiers.
Parsing and normalizing text, sentiment analysis.
Projects to acquire content from publicly available sources using APIs and other low-impact techniques.
Python library for advanced manipulation and analysis of textual, numeric, and timeseries data
Computational statistics and predictive analysis.
Data analytics and visualization with plotly.
Alternative model fit measures such as sMAPE (Symmetric Mean Absolute Percentage Error), z-scores.
Pattern discovery and interpretation
Seasonal adjustments, semi-annual and quarterly reporters.
Choosing the correct regression models
Adjusted and predicted R-squared and p-values.
Metrics beyond R-squared and other basic statistics.
Investment Management, Equities, Alternative Assets
Document processing, organizing data in models.
Backtesting, trading metrics and ratios.
Bloomberg, Refinitv/Reuters, Factset.
Forecast models, economic adjustments, comparison with consensus expectations.
Financial models (e.g. DCF, LBO or M&A) and scenario analysis in Excel.